The Spark Blog

  • Myths about counselling – part 3

    Myths about counselling – part 3

    Welcome to part 3 of our 4-part look at the most common myths about counselling. At The Spark have been looking at the misconceptions that can end up discouraging people from considering counselling. We are busting the myths and highlighting the truth about how counselling can help navigate the challenges of life. Myth 7: Counselling…


  • Myths about counselling – part 2

    Myths about counselling – part 2

    We are continuing to look at the most common myths about counselling in part 2 of our series. These are the misconceptions that often discourage or prevent people from considering counselling. At The Spark, we are busting the myths to highlight the truth of counselling and its ability to help us deal with the challenges…


  • Myths About Counselling – Part 1

    Myths About Counselling – Part 1

    It is not uncommon for myths about counselling to discourage or even prevent people from trying therapy. Popular misconceptions – given credibility by people who have often never had counselling – can colour our opinions of counselling and talking therapies in general. Rather than allowing these myths about counselling to remain unchallenged, at The Spark,…


  • Stop Worrying and Start Living

    Stop Worrying and Start Living

    The focus of this year’s Mental Health Awareness week has been ‘stress: are we coping?’  This got us thinking about books that have helped us cope with the stresses of life. One, in particular, is a recommended read for us. And it just happens to be the birthplace of many of the idioms that pop…


  • Sexting: A Guide for Parents

    Sexting: A Guide for Parents

    Raising children in the digital age brings with it a host of challenges previous generations never faced. One such high profile and extremely distressing issue – sexting – is fast becoming a common problem. As the lives of young people become ever more embedded in social media, its significance and the number of incidences will…


  • Songs For Sound Minds #25 – The Pretenders

    Songs For Sound Minds #25 – The Pretenders

    Songs for Sound Minds are our picks of the best music that uplifts, inspires and boosts mental health. Songs written as an anthem to overcoming the storms of life. The songs that give hope in those times when we are struggling. This week’s pick by The Pretenders was suggested by one of our followers on…


  • Couples! Stop Sacrificing ‘Us Time’

    Couples! Stop Sacrificing ‘Us Time’

    Life is busy. For couples with children life is even busier as they shuttle kids from activity to activity, keep the house running and hold down full-time jobs. It is not a surprise that when our counsellors ask couples about how much ‘us time’ they get, the answer is usually ‘no time for that’. No…


  • How to Fix a Broken Heart

    How to Fix a Broken Heart

    Though we will all try our hardest to avoid it, at some point in our lives we will experience heartbreak. Whether it comes from the end of a relationship or a sudden loss, a broken heart can be and often is the greatest trauma we will ever go through. Dealing with a broken heart and…


  • Love Is Not Just for Valentine’s Day

    Love Is Not Just for Valentine’s Day

    When Valentine’s Day comes around we are reminded it is time to focus on that special someone. For a day it is all about demonstrating our love for our spouse or partner. Soppy cards, flowers and chocolates are all great of course. But the fact we need a prompt is a pretty sad reflection on…


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